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Business Partners
Can't find what what you're looking for? Speak to our business partner team on 1300 00 APOD (2763)
Partner Account
How do I become an APOD discount partner?
Can I add an offer for my own business if I am an APOD member?
How to edit a Job Listing on APOD
Creating a Job Listing on APOD - Step by Step Guide
Offer Access
Who can access my offer on APOD?
Can other business partners see my offer?
Are offers visible to the public on the APOD website?
Offer Management
How do I edit my offer?
How do I add a new offer?
How do I add mobile service areas / mobile locations for my business service?
How do I add links to my business social profiles?
Is there a minimum discount I can offer?
Can I change my offer at any time and is there a cost incurred?
Offer Redemption
How do I make my offer available online?
How do I make my offer available in store?
How do APOD members redeem offers online?
How do APOD members redeem offers in-store?
Can I enable my offer to be available both online and in store?
Business Partner Marketing
Business Partner Logo