Within the APOD APP you have the ability to browse or search for Job listings in a variety of ways.
We have a well-defined set of filters to help you find employment opportunities that may be specific to you such as Industry type, Employment types (Full-Time, Part-Time or Volunteer), Security Clearence, Location (Remote work, On-site or Hybrid), Salary and Veteran Owned businesses.
To search for Employment opportunities, you will first need to be logged into the APOD APP on a mobile device.
Step 1.
On the home screen, click on the on the orange tile Employment and Volunteering.
Step 2.
You will now be in the Employment area within the APOD APP. From here there are multiple ways in which you can search a Job listing.
Using the search bar at the top of your APP screen you can search for a specific industry, profession or organisation. Our sophisticated search function will also allow you to search using keywords and then display anything relevant to the keyword used.
Step 3.
You can search using filters to help refine your results. This can be done by clicking the filter button located next to the search bar at the top of the APP.
Once in the filter section simply click the filters that you wish to use and then click show results.
lastly you can also simply use the scroll function of the APP to scroll down the page and look at all the employment opportunities on offer.
If you have any questions or need any more guidance, please contact us at employment@apod.com.au or call us on 1300 00 APOD (2763) and speak to one of our friendly staff.