In our recent release version 3.0.0, we have introduced the concept of mobile businesses. If your business provides services to your customer at their location, you can now nominate a location (suburb) and the range (in km) for your business to be displayed in that area.
How do I add a mobile service business?
Mobile services business have now been enabled for the APOD platform. We define a mobile business whereby the business travels to the customer to provide products and services at the customers home for instance a mobile mechanic or plumber.
Note: Previously if you have already had a deal published you may have selected your business to be an “Online deal”. Therefore it is important to work through the new “create an offer” page to amend this by deselecting the online toggle, which can be found at the bottom of Step 1 and checking your T&C’s which is located in Step 2.
Update an existing offer :
If you already have a deal published and you wish to update it to better reflect your business. The first thing you will have to do is unpublish the deal. This can be done by clicking your current deal from the “Manage My Offers” tab on the left of the screen.

Unpublish Offer & Edit
From here select the deal you wish to update. At the bottom of the deal you will see an unpublish and edit button.
Note: Once this is selected your deal will come off the live site and allow you to update and resubmit the offer.
Adding your mobile service
To add a mobile service you will have to navigate to step 1 and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Mobile Business Information
Here you will see a toggle Next to the mobile question. Selecting this to yes will bring down a section for you to input your mobile service area location and Radius. The Radius indicates how far you wish for this particular service area to cover for your customers. Once you have added the mobile service areas you can review your offer and submit the updated deal. You can select in addition other business types to add if your business falls in the correct category.
Note: Now would also be a good time to check through the rest of your deal such as your T&C’s and check the new features APOD has added such as :
- Social media links
- Phone redemption
- Email redemption